Thursday, April 16, 2009


vinyl, originally uploaded by introspectrum.

i took this last year.

i think this was the first time i had seen alma since my trip to italy a few months earlier. We wandered around williamsburg with another friend, taking photos and watching hipsters. I carried my hassie, a book or two, a light meter and some extra film in my messenger bag for a few hours. It reminded me of one of the reasons i don't like the hassy as a 'carry around cam.' It's quite heavy, it takes me a few precious moments to focus, and i have to use a separate light meter. I also have a tendency to keep slower ISO 100 film in it, which makes handheld shots with an 80mm lens at 1/20th of a second a bit of a challenge.

I'm not a very trigger happy street photographer so I've also carried it with me on numerous occasions only to never pull it out of my bag. This was almost one of those days of carrying a camera but never taking a photo, but while sitting outside this vinyl record shop Alma was checking out, I noticed how textured and interesting an environment it was. I took 3 photos. This was the best of the three. It's a bit underexposed and took forever for me to find me a color and contrast that felt right.

I like the depth of it and the open door of the shop in the foreground. Alma also has this wonderful way of being completely at ease in front of the camera.

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